Guidelines for who to contact...
when you have a question, comment or complaint.
The following list of common areas for questions, comments and complaints includes the order of volunteers to contact for assistance. Please allow a reasonable amount of time (usually about a week) for the volunteer to get back with you before escalating the request to the next level. Most times, research needs to be done to answer your request, which involves waiting on responses from others. Your patience is appreciated.
Coaching issues, classes:
Coach, Coach Administrator, Assistant RC, RC
Referee issues, classes, supplies, uniforms, scheduling:
Appropriate Referee Staff, Referee Administrator, RC
Registration, Late Registration, Player verification:
Registrar, Assistant RC, RC
Skills rating clinics, team balance, team status, Roster or Player Form questions:
Assistant RC, RC
Player or Volunteer "At-Risk" situations:
Coach, CVPA, Assistant RC, RC
Fields issues, field marking supplies, field and goal safety issues:
Safety Director, Assistant RC, RC
Player or Volunteer injuries, field and goal safety issues, Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI) questions:
Safety Director, Assistant RC, RC
Status of outstanding checks, Refund request questions, Fee questions:
Treasurer, RC
Coach, Purchasing Coordinator
Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes:
Assistant RC, RC
Team picture appointments:
Coach, Assistant RC, RC
Sponsorship program, recognition awards:
Sponsorship Coordinator
RC – [email protected]
Asst RC – [email protected]
CVPA – [email protected]
Registrar – [email protected]
Coach Administrator – [email protected]
Referee Administrator – [email protected]
Treasurer – [email protected]
Sponsorship Coordinator – [email protected]
Safety Director – [email protected]
Purchaser – [email protected]