AYSO is a volunteer-run organization.
Coaches, referees and administrators are volunteers. Parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.
Becoming A Volunteer
It’s all about what’s good for kids
AYSO’s volunteer foundation ensures that it’s all about what’s good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its “profits” are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.
AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:
Abides by the AYSO philosophies
Offers a great AYSO experience
Continues to grow, offering the AYSO opportunity to more children
Coaches & Referees
Two Roles That Make The AYSO Experience Such A Valuable One For Kids
Referees and coaches in AYSO are volunteers. They give their time and talents freely to ensure that every player has a fun, fair and safe AYSO experience. AYSO coaches and referees frequently have their own children in the program. But because it can be such an enjoyable and rewarding experience, it’s also common for these volunteers to continue long after their own children have moved on from AYSO.
To begin as an AYSO coach or referee, you must first complete an AYSO volunteer application form (online) and be approved as a volunteer by your local AYSO Region. Once you are approved, the training to become an AYSO referee or coach is provided to you for free or at a very low cost.
Becoming A Referee
Becoming A Coach
We can't have games without referees. More importantly, it's rewarding and working with kids is great fun! Refs help keep every game fun, fair and safe.
Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties. If you plan to be at your child's soccer practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach!
It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you’re not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region 1296!
AYSO Region 1296 Volunteer Opportunities Include
Referee (Center, Assistant). Contact CVPA, RC OR REF ADMIN
Team (Coach, Assistant, Team Parent, Division Coordinator, Administrator) Contact CVPA, RC OR COACH ADMIN
Field Maintenance/Safety (Goal Setup/Safety, Painting Lines) Contact SAFETY ADMIN, CVPA OR RC
Available Board Positions
Please consider helping the Region by volunteering your time for the following positions:
Registrar for MY2020 season & beyond
Referee Administrator for MY2025 & beyond
Coach Administrator for MY2025 & beyond
Treasurer for MY2025 & beyond
Website Administrator for MY2025 & beyond
Contact the RC- Jen Barber 586-339-4703