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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Pet Policy

Region 1296 policy prohibits any pets at practices or games. We have adopted this policy because:

1. We practice and play games on school property and school policy is no pets allowed.

2. Unleashed pets can and do run out onto the playing fields and can cause an injury.

3. With all the excitement and large number of players and spectators a pet can become overexcited or overwhelmed and bite someone.

4. Some kids are afraid of some animals and others are allergic to them.

5. Dogs/Pets do leave piles on our playing fields and where spectators sit.

This is just a safety issue. We appreciate your understanding and respect of our Region
policy. Please leave the pets at home. Thanks.

Contact Us

Capac AYSO Region 1296

P.O. Box 114 
Capac, Michigan 48014

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 586-339-4703